Name Ideas

90+ Popular Funny Zombie Names 2024

Are you also looking for Funny Zombie Names?

Then you have come to the right article because this article will have all kinds of names.

Hello friends, my name is Deep Ahire. My team and I have researched the internet and brought you Funny Zombie Names. Also, in this article, we have given different zombie names to boys and girls.

Popular Funny Zombie Names

Brainy McBitey – This name suggests that the zombie is known for its affinity towards brains and its tendency to bite.

Gutsy Gutierrez – This zombie is fearless and gutsy, often found tearing into the innards of its victims.

Lurch the Lumbering – A nod to the classic zombie characteristic of lurching movements, this name emphasizes clumsiness.

Rotty McRottenface – This name is a play on the decay and decomposition associated with zombies, coupled with a humorous twist.

Chompers McGee – A zombie known for its relentless chomping and gnawing on anything in its path.

Moaner Malone – This zombie’s signature is its eerie moans and groans as it wanders in search of fresh flesh.

Stumblebum Stan – Always tripping over its own feet, this zombie is more likely to stumble into its prey than to chase them down.

Noggin Nibbler – This zombie prefers to go straight for the head, nibbling on skulls with gusto.

Zippy the Zombunny – Despite being a zombie, this one has a surprisingly sprightly and energetic demeanor, hopping around in search of victims.

Rotunda the Rotten – With a name suggesting both rot and a rather large figure, this zombie is not one to be trifled with.

Gravely Grumbler – This zombie is known for its deep, gravely voice and constant grumbling.

Slobbering Slim – Always leaving a trail of saliva behind, this zombie is infamous for its excessive drooling.

Twitchy McTwitchface – With constant involuntary twitches and spasms, this zombie is never still for long.

Giggles the Groaner – Despite its undead nature, this zombie has a peculiar habit of giggling while groaning, creating a unique and unsettling sound.

Snack Attack Sally – This zombie is always on the hunt for its next snack, whether it’s brains or any other body part.

Fumble the Feaster – Known for its clumsy and messy eating habits, this zombie tends to make quite a mess while devouring its prey.

Stinky Pete – This zombie’s odor is legendary, with a stench that can be detected from miles away.

Cranium Cruncher – Specializing in crushing skulls with its bare hands, this zombie is not one to be underestimated.

Dizzy the Dangler – With limbs hanging loosely and swaying as it walks, this zombie gives the impression of perpetual dizziness.

Chuckles the Chewer – Always with a smile on its face (or what’s left of it), this zombie seems to find humor in its gruesome activities.

Rumbly Tumbly – This zombie’s constant hunger pangs manifest in loud, rumbling noises from its stomach.

Slurpy McSlurpface – Known for its loud and messy slurping sounds while feeding on its victims.

Jaws the Jester – Despite its undead status, this zombie seems to have a knack for comedic timing and antics.

Wobbles the Wobbler – With an unsteady gait and a tendency to wobble around, this zombie is often more of a nuisance than a threat.

Dracu-Laughter – This vampire-turned-zombie can’t help but laugh maniacally as it stalks its prey.

Rot-unda the Roundabout – With a rotund figure and a habit of circling its victims before attacking, this zombie gets its name from both its appearance and behavior.

Grin Reaper – A play on the term “grim reaper,” this zombie is always seen with a sinister grin on its face.

Munchie the Mumbler – Known for mumbling unintelligibly while munching on flesh, this zombie’s speech is almost incomprehensible.

Boogie the Biter – This zombie has a funky dance move or two up its sleeve, often incorporating them into its pursuit of prey.

Zombified Zeke – Just your average Joe turned undead, Zeke’s name simply implies his zombified status with a touch of humor.

Funny Zombie Girl Names

Lulu Limb-Biter – Lulu is known for her tendency to bite off limbs in a rather comical manner.

Wanda the Wanderer – Wanda aimlessly wanders around in search of brains, often getting lost in the process.

Giggles the Ghoul – This zombie girl finds everything amusing, even the most gruesome of situations.

Trixie the Twitcher – Trixie has constant muscle twitches, making her movements erratic and unpredictable.

Gracie Groans-a-Lot – Gracie’s signature is her incessant groaning, which can be both amusing and annoying.

Dotty the Drooler – Dotty tends to drool profusely, leaving a trail wherever she goes.

Belinda Brain-Muncher – Belinda’s favorite snack is brains, and she munches on them with gusto.

Penny the Pranker – Penny loves to play pranks on unsuspecting survivors, adding a touch of mischief to her undead existence.

Zara the Zombabe – Despite being a zombie, Zara manages to maintain her sense of style and sassiness.

Delilah Decay – Delilah’s name reflects her decaying appearance, but she still manages to maintain a sense of humor about it.

Rosy Rotter – Despite her decayed appearance, Rosy always manages to maintain a rosy disposition.

Fiona the Fangirl – Fiona is a zombie with an obsessive love for all things horror, including brains.

Wanda the Wobbler – Wanda’s unsteady gait and frequent stumbling make her a humorous sight to behold.

Mimi the Moaner – Mimi’s moans are louder and more melodramatic than most, earning her the title of the ultimate moaner.

Polly the Prancer – Despite being a zombie, Polly still loves to dance, albeit in a stumbling, disjointed manner.

Bella the Burper – Bella’s undead digestive system often produces loud and unexpected burps, much to the surprise of those around her.

Sally Snack-Stealer – Sally has a knack for sneaking up on survivors and stealing their snacks before they even realize what’s happening.

Dolly the Dropper – Dolly has a habit of dropping body parts wherever she goes, much to the dismay of her fellow zombies.

Winnie the Wiggle-Walker – Winnie’s movements are characterized by a peculiar wiggling motion, making her stand out among the horde.

Harriet the Hungry – Harriet is always hungry for more brains, and she’s not afraid to let everyone know it with her constant stomach growls.

Funny Zombie Boy Names

Chuckles the Chomper – Chuckles is known for his constant laughter while munching on his victims.

Freddy the Fumbler – Freddy’s clumsy nature often leads to him fumbling around, much to the amusement of others.

Spike the Snacker – Spike has an insatiable appetite for snacks, especially those of the brainy variety.

Morty the Mumbler – Morty’s speech is often unintelligible due to his tendency to mumble, adding a humorous twist to his interactions.

Gus the Giggler – Gus can’t help but giggle uncontrollably, even as he shambles after his next meal.

Bones the Bumbler – Bones tends to bump into things and trip over his own feet, making him a lovable klutz among the undead.

Ziggy the Zestful – Despite being a zombie, Ziggy approaches life with boundless enthusiasm and zest.

Reggie the Rambler – Reggie is known for his aimless wandering, often getting lost in his own thoughts or in the labyrinth of the apocalypse.

Doug the Drooler – Doug’s perpetual drooling is both gross and amusing, earning him his fitting moniker.

Larry the Lurcher – Larry’s lurching movements are exaggerated and clumsy, making him a sight to behold as he stumbles through the wasteland.

Hank the Howler – Hank’s groans and howls are louder and more melodramatic than most, earning him the reputation of the ultimate moaner.

Bobby the Biter – Bobby’s favorite pastime is biting, and he does it with gusto, much to the amusement of his fellow zombies.

Pete the Prankster – Pete loves to play pranks on unsuspecting survivors, adding a mischievous twist to the undead apocalypse.

Rocky the Rumbler – Rocky’s stomach is constantly rumbling with hunger, putting him perpetually on the lookout for his next meal.

Max the Muncher – Max’s voracious appetite knows no bounds, and he munches on anything and everything in sight.

Sid the Stumbler – Sid’s stumbling and tripping are legendary among the undead, making him a source of amusement for his fellow zombies.

Tommy the Tumbler – Tommy has a habit of tumbling head over heels, often landing in ridiculous positions that leave everyone around him chuckling.

Oscar the Oddball – Oscar’s behavior is unpredictable and eccentric, earning him the title of the strangest zombie in the horde.

Frankie the Funnybone – Frankie’s sense of humor is as sharp as ever, even in his undead state, making him the life of the party among zombies.

Rusty the Roamer – Rusty roams far and wide in search of brains, often getting into hilarious misadventures along the way.

Funny Zombie Team Names

The Brain Drain Brigade – This team is known for their relentless pursuit of brains, leaving a trail of empty skulls in their wake.

The Shuffle Squad – Named after the characteristic shuffling gait of zombies, this team moves together in perfect undead harmony.

The Grin and Gore Gang – With permanent grins on their decaying faces, this team specializes in spreading gore and mayhem wherever they go.

The Lurching Lunatics – Known for their erratic and unpredictable movements, this team keeps their enemies on their toes (or what’s left of them).

The Moaner Maulers – Their eerie moans strike fear into the hearts of survivors as they maul their way through the post-apocalyptic landscape.

The Rotten Rascals – Despite their decayed appearance, this team retains a mischievous and playful spirit, often pulling off daring feats of undead athleticism.

The Ghoulish Gourmet Gang – This team takes their culinary pursuits seriously, always on the hunt for the finest delicacies (i.e., brains) to satisfy their undead appetites.

The Corpse Corps – A disciplined and well-coordinated team of zombies, they move with military precision as they march towards their next target.

The Decomposition Crew – With each member at a different stage of decomposition, this team is a motley crew of rotting flesh and bones.

The Undead Uproar – Wherever they go, chaos and mayhem follow, as this team wreaks havoc with their undead antics and raucous behavior.

The Apocalypse Amigos – This team sticks together through thick and thin in the midst of the zombie apocalypse, like true pals.

The Zany Zombocalypse Squad – Known for their unpredictable and wacky behavior, this team adds a touch of humor to the end of the world.

The Gruesome Gigglers – Despite their gruesome appearance, this team finds humor in their undead existence and is often heard laughing maniacally as they roam.

The Brainiac Brigade – Renowned for their intelligence (or at least their love of brains), this team strategizes their attacks with cunning precision.

The Rotting Renegades – Rebels of the undead world, this team marches to the beat of their own decomposing drum, challenging authority and convention.

The Undead Unicorns – A unique and whimsical team name, suggesting that even zombies can have a bit of magic and wonder about them.

The Decayed Daredevils – Fearless and bold, this team tackles dangerous challenges with reckless abandon, never hesitating to dive headfirst into danger.

The Corpse Cartel – A shrewd and organized team, they operate like a well-oiled machine, trading in goods and services (mostly body parts) in the post-apocalyptic world.

The Flesh Feast Fiends – With insatiable appetites for the flesh, this team is always on the lookout for their next meal, leaving chaos and carnage in their wake.

The Zesty Zombonauts – Explorers of the undead cosmos, this team boldly goes where no zombie has gone before, seeking new worlds to conquer and new brains to devour.


Q1. Why are funny zombie names popular?

Ans: Nowadays, funny zombie names are searched for on the internet to enter usernames or to enter names in games. So funny zombie names are becoming very popular.

Q2. What are some characteristics of funny zombie names?

Ans: Funny zombie names often include wordplay, puns, or alliteration.

Q3. Where can I use funny zombie names?

Ans: You can use funny zombie names in games and social media.


Friends, there is a new trend on the internet, so everyone keeps unique names on social media. So some people find zombie names funny and that’s why we have included cute names in the article above.

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